Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Produce Aisle

"the produce of the land"
Genesis 41:34

I've been feeling productive lately.  And you know what's got me feeling that way?


Which just seems right, that produce would lead to productivity.  Or does productivity produce produce?

I love the English language, don't you?

Anyhow, this is the produce that has me producing:

I got it all from church a few weeks ago.  When we were doing our Vacation Bible School.  As I think I mentioned, the theme was a farm theme, so there were fruits and veggies as "decor" in the kitchen area.  And when the week was over, and everything was getting cleaned up, someone asked me if I wanted the vegetables.  It was a lot, but I didn't want them thrown away, so I said sure!  And my kids and I took home a plethora of potatoes, apples, onions, oranges, lemons, peppers and corn.

It had all been sitting out for several warm days, so I knew none of it was at its best.  So after my Awesome Girl took a few pictures of our bounty, I got to work caring for it. 

In some cases it needed to be processed immediately (i.e. chopped and put in the freezer) and I'll share some of that in future days.  But other things still had plenty of life in them, they just needed to be stored properly to extend that life.

As I found homes in my kitchen and garage for all these blessings, I thought about how different they all are.  The onions and potatoes need someplace cool and dark, the tomatoes need someplace cooler than that, but not as cold as the fridge.  The corn needed to be refrigerated in a hurry if there was going to be any chance of salvaging it. 

Apples and oranges and lemons are pretty cooperative.  They'll sit in the counter in a bowl ~ even together if you want ~ looking pretty until you're ready to eat them.  But not for too long, and not if the weather's too hot.  They have their limits, you know. 

The bananas, too, will do better on your counter, but you should separate them from each other, and they'll last a shorter time on the counter than those others. 

In addition, carrots, berries and mushrooms should not be washed before being stored.  Melons like room temperature, pineapples don't care but they should be stored upside down. 

And on and on.  They are not created equal and you have to know what's best for each one, if you're going to get the best out of them. 

So it is with us.  You're zucchini and I'm asparagus.  Or, you know, whatever.  You're creative and energetic, I'm introverted and analytical.  You need to plan well for something big, then deal with it one step at a time.  I work better under pressure.   But He has plans for us.  Things He wants us to achieve for our growth, and the blessing of others.  And in order for us to meet those challenges, He has us in the perfect time and place, with the perfect people. 

Some of those circumstances might not seem perfect to us.  In fact, we might be convinced there are people or situations in our lives that are holding us back.  But He knows.  He knows how productive we can be for Him, and He knows how to bring that out.

So if you think you're not where you'd like to be in your growth, take heart.  You're getting riper all the time.

~ "You have planted them, 
yes, they have taken root;
   They grow, yes, they bear fruit" ~
Jeremiah 12:2

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