Monday, October 15, 2012

Love will win

"love bears all things"
1 Corinthians 13:7

I know of a man ~ a good man.  A great man, really.  He is the most generous, thoughtful, giving man I know of.  Maybe in the world.  You've probably heard of him.

He is independently wealthy, and gives away thousands of dollars worth of goods every year. 

He formed a corporation ~ not because he needed the money, but in order to create jobs.  And his employees are happy.  I've never heard of anyone leaving his company to work for a competitor.  But you know what?  He has no competitors, really.  There are others who do what he does, but no company ~ no man ~ would interfere with the work of this man's company.  He's simply too respected. 

He's married, and has been for many, many years, to the same woman.  They have no children of their own, but it is well-known how they love children, and show love to other people's children.

He is also well-known for his work with animals.  He raises them, and uses them in his work, but PETA has never once protested.

Yes, he is a great man. 

But you know what?  He's fat.  And it bothers me that this doesn't bother him.  I think he's setting a bad example for others, and it's irresponsible, because he knows he's in the public eye. 

And, truth be told, he's actually a criminal.  He has committed crimes more than once, but has never been prosecuted because the authorities, and ~ frankly, his victims ~ respect him too much.  I think everyone feels that the good he has done outweighs the bad.

He also, now that I think about it, is suspect in his hiring practices.  He is discriminatory in who he hires.  I don't know if you'd call it affirmative action... but I guess his employees do a good job, and so many people benefit from what they produce, that no one has ever sued for the opportunity to work for him. 

Oh, and would you believe?  He's a stalker.  Now, don't get the wrong idea ~ he never hurts anyone; it's completely innocent.  He just gets information as to what he should be producing in his factory, so that he can be giving away what people want. 

Okay, yes, I'm complaining about Santa Claus.  I have found fault with someone who's all about giving and thinking of others. 

You know why?  Because I'm mocking myself, and my exceptional ability to criticize others.

There's someone in my life who has done something that hurt me.  It was unintentional.  I know she didn't mean to.  And yet I can't seem to stop feeling wounded.  And the thing I keep trying to tell myself is how long we've been friends, and all we've shared.  She's a good person, who does so much out of love for others.  But after I tell myself that, I find myself remembering what she said.  I find that the forgiveness I thought I achieved, has left me.

Why is the human mind so willing to believe what the enemy tells us?  Why are we so quick to judge, and so slow to forgive?  And why are we so easy to find fault with those who love us?


I have so far to go in loving others...

~ "Love suffers long and is kind...
love does not seek its own, is not provoked,
thinks no evil....
love rejoices in the truth;
bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things." ~
1 Corinthians 13:4,5,6,7

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