Sunday, September 30, 2012

Counting on what counts

"teach us to number our days"
Psalm 90:12

You know what I wish that verse said?  I wish it said, "teach us how to number our days."  Cuz I've been thinking about that verse lately, and I'm not entirely sure I know what that verse means.

But I guess that could be a good thing.  Maybe, by not knowing exactly what He means, I'll try harder to parse the phrase; to understand what He wants me to do, and what He wants me to gain from it.

He loves it when I parse. 

The word number has many definitions.  But let's exclude the word's uses as a noun, and look only at what it means as a verb, which is how it's used in this verse.  Now my choices are:

: to amount to or comprise something (as in "the group numbered more than 1,000")
: to include or classify as a member of a group (as in "we numbered many singers among us")
: to mark with a number, or assign a number to (as in "each man was numbered as he came in")
: to count (as in "count the stars if you are able to number them")
: to assess the size or quantity of something (as in "he numbered the flock at 100")

See what I mean?  

So what does it mean to number my days?

Does it mean that God wants me to know how many of them there have been?   Cuz I calculated it, and there are about 15,000.  But I don't really feel particularly edified by that information.

Does it mean He wants me to know how many are left?  Well, that's impossible.  He would never ask that of me.  I also don't think He's telling me to estimate it, so that's out.

I have a hunch that it's not really about counting at all.  I think it's about appreciating every day that came before this one, and everything He has worked in my life to make me who I am, and teach me what I know.

And I think it's about appreciating every day that's yet to come; knowing that there are not an infinite number of days in my life.  If my goal is to live a life for Him and His glory, then I need to be thinking about every day, and not just going through my routine. 

I think that it's not about counting my days, but about making every day count.

~ "Teach us to number our days,
  that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~
Psalm 90:12 

~ "I will fulfill the number of your days" ~
Exodus 23:26

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