Monday, September 24, 2012

One of a kind

"a special treasure to Me"
Exodus 19:5

Are you weird?  I think you are.  Some of you I've met, and I know that you're weird.   Many of you are strangers to me, but I'm pretty sure there's something weird about each of you, too.

Why do I know that?  Well, simply because we're all different.  And some of the things that make us different might also make us a little weird.

I have a condition called synesthesia.  It's weird.  There are variations on it, but in my case, it enables me to see the colors of letters and numbers.  It's a gift.  And it's unusual.  I know there are other people in the world who share this unique trait, but the only ones that I know of are my two sisters.  So in the circle of my extended family, and my friends, it's something weird about me.

Of course, that's not the only oddity about me.

So what's weird about you?

Maybe you have to brush your teeth after every meal.
Maybe you have to sleep with a window open, even on the coldest nights.
Maybe you're able to wake up at the same time every day without the aid of an alarm clock.
Maybe you always sneeze in threes.

Whatever it is, God loves it.  He loves those weird, unique, quirky, special things about you.

C.S. Lewis said in The Screwtape Letters, that there is a sort of innocence and humility and self-forgetfulness about the little things that make you you.  It's about truly and sincerely enjoying any one thing in the world, for its own sake, without caring twopence what other people say about it.  It's about being who you are.

Don't you love the idea of that?  No one knows my kids better than I do.  And no one on earth loves them more than I do.  And I love everything about them.  Everything.  And I'm betting there's someone in your life about whom you can say the same thing.

Don't you just love knowing that God feels the same way about you?

~ "Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; 
therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you" ~
Jeremiah 31:3


  1. I must admit that I knew nothing about synesthesia until you mentioned in a comment on my blog that "lothario" is a blue word. I have now read a lengthy article about synesthesia, and I am as much in the dark (no pun intended) as ever.

    My oddity is that I always count each type of eating utensil as I remove it systematically from the dishwasher. All the knives first (count), then the tablespoons (count), then the teaspoons (count), then the salad forks (count), then the dinner forks (count). I thought that was a really weird quirk of mine. I'm so glad to learn that God loves it. And why wouldn't He? After all, He knows the number of hairs on our heads and stars in the sky and sands on the seashores!

  2. lol, Bob! I'm glad my kids empty the dishwasher, otherwise, I'd probably start counting silverware... I do count steps when I'm going upstairs. I think it started when I was growing up outside D.C. and visiting so many monuments. My sisters and I were always curious how many steps it would take to get to the top!

    The name "Bob", by the way, is orange! ;)
