Saturday, November 10, 2012

Digging In

"thoroughly equipped"
2 Timothy 3:17

The weeds are getting out of hand in our front yard.   The Apple of my Eye tried to increase his mowing, but the grass itself really didn't need it, and the weeds came back quickly.  So then he asked our neighbor, who is a landscaper and gardener, for a little assistance, because clearly we needed to do something about getting rid of the weeds, and preventing them from coming back, rather than just making them shorter every week.

Our neighbor got started, but his business got, well, busy, so he hasn't been able to finish.  So part of the lawn looks okay, and part of it looks very weedy.  Hubby and I have talked about finishing the weeding, but we were afraid it would seem we were too impatient, or that we didn't trust our neighbor to finish, or something.  We didn't want to hurt his feelings.

But the other day I decided it has been too long, and I should do something about it.  It's not fair to our other neighbors for us to have a front lawn that looks like we're growing crops.  But still I did nothing, because I have no idea what tool I should use for the job.  I've tried just pulling the weeds up by their roots ~ that's what my parents always had us do when I was growing up ~ but these buggers are simply too strong.  I can't get a grip, and if I do, all I seem to accomplish is to break the weed somewhere in the middle; I'm not getting the roots. 

And the thing is, we have a tool for the job, but it's broken.  It's a long handle with a metal apparatus on the end, and you're supposed to swing it down sharply, to cut the weed off at the roots.  I'm sure it has a name, but I don't know what it is.  It's a tool similar to a hoe, but that's not it.

Okay, I looked it up.  It's called a cultivator.  Here's a picture:

photo credit:

Anyhow, it's broken.  The metal part is no longer attached to the handle, so it just swings around and around.   And if you swing it over your head to attack the weed with it, the metal part swings around so it's not aimed correctly anymore, and it just clumps ineffectually on the ground.

And there's nothing I to do fix it.  I could try to rig it together, but the tool is designed to be used very hard and very forcefully, and I know it's not gonna hold up through that.  I can't use it gently ~ that would be pointless.  Literally.  I think maybe it has to be welded.

It's frustrating to have a tool and not be able to use it. 

Aren't you glad we're not tools like that?  Of all the ways God can use us, there is no way He can use us that we're not strong enough to be handle.  Teaching others, showing compassion when we're feeling selfish, showing love to people we don't like.  That takes strength.  We are created by God to fulfill a purpose, and we're capable of doing that, because God makes us strong enough to hold up under what He's asking us to do.

So don't be afraid of what He's calling you to do.  Dig in. 

~ "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God...
that the man of God may be complete,
    thoroughly equipped for every good work" ~
2 Timothy 3:16,17

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