Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The King of kings

"Let every soul be subject 
 to the governing authorities.
For there is no authority except from God,
and the authorities that exist 
are appointed by God."
Romans 13:1

Well, another election has come and gone.  This is only the 12th time I have voted in a Presidential election.  But even if I live to be 100, I'll only get the privilege about 20 times.  And it is a privilege.  I know there are countries where the citizens ~ or the women ~ are not allowed any input into the selection of their leaders.  Even in this country that celebrates liberty above all else, it took a long time for the right to vote to be extended to everyone.  So I pray for those who don't have the privilege, and I pray for those ~ especially in the U.S. ~ who choose not to take advantage of that privilege. 

I love politics, so I've been paying attention to the process for many months now.  I've watched the debates, and the interviews and have been interested in all those who took part.  It's only been a race between these two men for a matter of months.  Before that, there was the race to see who would be in the race.  I refer, of course, to the process of selecting the Republican candidate who would run against Obama.

It always surprises me how many people there are willing to run for President.  Every four years, one or both parties might have as many as a dozen people who not only feel they would be good at the job, but are willing to go through what it takes to run.  It has to be one of the most unforgiving job interviews one could experience.  Although, in it's own way, it's probably one of the most rewarding, too.   I will never know. 


But you know what I keep thinking about today, as I wait for the polls to close across the country so the policy wonks can start their Election Day analysis?   I keep thinking:

Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name.  

Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth
as it is in heaven. 

Give me this day my daily bread,
and forgive me my trespasses
as I forgive those
who trespass against me.

And lead me not into temptation,
but deliver me from evil.

In appreciation and honor for who He is, on this day of choosing a leader, I remember:

Thine is the kingdom
and the power
and the glory.

Forever and ever.


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