Sunday, February 13, 2011

All present and accounted for!

"... not a man of us is missing."
Numbers 31:49

This statement comes after a war that the Israelites waged on the Midianites.  Verse 4 of this chapter says that a thousand men from each tribe were sent to war.  The Lord gave them victory in the war, and they were even able to take as spoils all the cattle, all the flocks, and all the goats.  The numbers are astounding: 675,000 sheep; 72,000 cattle; 61,000 donkeys; and 32,000 people taken captive.  Clearly a decisive victory for the Israelites.  The Lord said to go to war, they obeyed, and the Lord showered them with blessings.  But then comes the even more astounding number; the bigger blessing.  The officers of the army came to Moses, having taken a count of the men under their command, and reported that not one man was missing! There was not one casualty of that war in all the Israeli army!  Our Lord does nothing halfway!

When I read that verse, I remembered a similar statement that Jesus had made while on earth.  In John 17, Jesus prays an extended prayer; a precious and lengthy communion between Him and His Father.  In this prayer, He prays over His disciples, and He says in verse 12, "Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost...."  He is the Good Shepherd, and He takes very seriously the role of protecting His sheep.

The feeling of amazement  I have upon reading of the complete return of the Israelite army is exceeded only by the feeling of comfort I have upon the reminder that I belong to the Lord.  I am protected by He who has overcome the world.  And though we are promised struggles and trials, we are also assured of victory... that in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.

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