Monday, February 21, 2011

Whatever you do, don't do nothing!

"In the morning.... Jesus prayed."

Mark 1:35

Remember those old Nike ads?  "Just do it," they said.  It was a great tag line.  It was pithy, motivating, and very true.  I know for me, I hesitate to begin an exercise program because I don't know exactly what to do.   Muscle building, or cardio?  How much?  How many times a week?  For how long?  Should I check with my doctor first?  And so, I succumb to analysis paralysis, and do nothing.

For a long time, the idea of Morning Quiet Time had the same effect on me.  I had to capitalize it there; to emphasize its officialness.  Because it does sort of feel like it's one of the commandments.  Almost everyone I know, who is trying to grow in their faith, has Morning Quiet Time.  Or at least they all say they do.  Or they try.  Or at least they say they try....   Anytime the conversation comes up, all I can think about is that everyone does it everyday - except me.  So I change the subject.  

Not really.  And I'm a lot better than I used to be.  Because I used to be all caught up in the what.  Do I read a chapter of the Bible?  Just one?  What if it's a short one?  Which book?  Start at the beginning?  Or a gospel?  A psalm?  How long should I pray?  Should I pray before or after I read?  Should I read a devotional, too?  Should I have worship music playing?  How quiet does it have to be?  Do I really have to get up while it's dark?  How dark?  Should I do it where my kids can see me, so I'll be a good example?  Or should it just be between God and me?   I read once, "a good example can inspire us, but it cannot enable us."  Nope.  Completely disabled.

So I did nothing.  For a long time.  Oh, I'd try a few things, in fits and starts.  But I could never get into a rhythm because I was sure I was doing it wrong.   And God just shook His head and me, and grinned a little....  Because He loves me.  In a very compassionate, pitiful way.  (I'm pitiful, not Him.)  And it's not like we never talked.  We had a good relationship in other ways.

But one day while I was stressing about how everyone I knew was perfect in this department, and nothing worked for me, even if I copied someone else exactly.... one day He said to me, "Just.... Do.... Something."  And it was like when Helen Keller understood the concept of "water".  (If you don't know that reference, check out "The Miracle Worker" sometime.  Basically, it means Helen Keller finally comprehending that all those finger movements Annie Sullivan had been doing in her hand were about communication.  Language.  And her whole world opened up.)  Yup.  My whole world opened up.  God was saying He didn't really care that much what I did.  Since then, it has come to be a perfected routine of.... whatever it happens to be that day.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I read the Bible every day, and I pray every day.  Sometimes first thing in the morning, sometimes later.   Sometimes I read a devotional along with it.   Most days I end up with a verse that sticks with me, and I find myself sort of chewing on it all day.  I love that....

And you know what else?  I find that this concept ~ Just Do Something ~ applies in a lot of areas.  Exercise, house-cleaning, organizational tasks, projects.... Why do I continually find myself surprised that His wisdom is wise?   Sure makes me eager to find out what He'll have to say to me tomorrow.  And oh yes ~ I'll be listening!

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