Monday, November 28, 2011

Are the stars out tonight?

I love that song.  "Are the stars out tonight?  I don't know if it's cloudy or bright.  Cuz I only have eyes for you..."  It was made famous by Frank Sinatra, but I think it goes back all the way to the 30s.  I don't even know the whole song, but I can't look up at the stars without thinking of that first line.

"Look up at the sky and count the stars ~ 
if indeed you can count them."
Genesis 15:5

I thought of that song tonight, and then I thought of this verse:

"He determines the number of stars 
and calls them each by name"
Psalm 147:4

I happened to notice the stars tonight, because there were so very many of them.  More than I'm used to seeing.  We're away from home tonight, so the stars look different from they do at home.  More of them. I mean, there's not more than there is at home, but I'm out of the city a little more, and I'm able to see a lot more of them.

"Is God not in the heights of heaven?  
And see how lofty are the highest stars!"
Job 22:12

I noticed all those stars this evening, and I found myself comforted in knowing that, even though I can't always see them, they are there.  As is their Creator.  Always there.

"I consider Your heavens, 
the work of Your fingers, 
the moon and stars, 
which You have set in place"
Psalm 8:3

Light.  Serenity.  Peace.  Sacred.  Created.
And I just wanted to thank Him.

"Praise Him, sun and moon; 
  praise Him all you shining stars"
Psalm 148:3

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