Sunday, May 13, 2012

Road Trip

"Traveling in the greatness of His strength"
Isaiah 63:1

Thoughts after a 12 hour road trip...

I love when I cross a state line and find that the culture and the topography have changed dramatically.  People and places are not the same everywhere you go.  Learn something from those He places in your path, even if only briefly.

Switching-off drivers is a good idea.  Being the one "in charge", alert and responsible for everyone else, can be hard work.  Some are better at it than others, but no one should do it all the time.  So take a turn at navigating and making conversation.  Let someone else take the wheel ~ literally.   

We're not created to sit for long periods of time.  So get up and get moving! 

A car's need for fuel on a regular basis is a reminder to us that we can't just continue on for long periods of time without doing an assessment of ourselves and our needs.  Wash the windshield, check the oil, empty the trash that has accumulated since the last stop, take a look at the tires.... Take a good hard look at yourself on a regular basis.  Maybe in prayer once a week?  Instead of just asking Him for things you want, and maybe instead of just being thankful, also make sure you ask Him if there's any way in you that needs tending to.

Rest Stops have what you need.  But only the basics.  This ain't luxury, people.  And why?  Because you're not meant to stay long.  Refresh yourself, then get back to the journey.  You've got places to go, things to do, and people to see! 

~ "It came into his heart to visit his brethren" ~
Acts 7:23

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