Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Take your pick ~ but don't ignore the rest!

" 'If you will return, O Israel,' says the Lord,
'Return to Me;
and if you will put away your abominations out of My sight,
then you shall not be moved' "
Jeremiah 4:1

Interesting verse here.  A little something for everyone.  Just depends on what you need.

First of all, look who the Lord is talking to.  Israel, yes, but that's not all.  He's talking to anyone who is open; who will listen.  "If you will return" speaks to anyone who is willing to return to Him. 

And if you are?  Then a command for you.  "Return to Me."

If you are willing to return to Him, then return to Him!

Next, a warning.  If you are willing to return to Him, then return to Him, and put away your abominations out of His sight

That which He hates needs to be removed from your life.  Consider yourself warned.

And then, beautifully, a promise.  If you are willing to return to Him, then do so.  Rid your life of that which He hates, and you shall not be moved.

Oh, do I love that promise.  "The Lord is the strength of my life" ~ to know that, is to not be moved.  {That was Psalm 27:1}  To return to Him, ridding my life of that which He despises, is to strengthen myself in Him.

And it doesn't get any stronger than that. 

His Word is instructions, warnings, and promises. 

And sometimes, all three at once.

~ "The word of the Lord is proven" ~
2 Samuel 22:31

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