Sunday, June 15, 2014

Making Progress

"to floor the house"
2 Chronicles 34:11

We are in the throes of re-flooring another room.  My daughter's, this time.  We took everything out of the room on Thursday evening, and then yestereve ~ yup; I'm goin' with "yestereve".  It's accurate, and it's got panache.

Anyhow, yestereve we got absolutely nothing done, because we were too busy watching our Los Angeles Kings win Lord Stanley's Cup.  In double overtime.  I mean please, who can work after that?

So today we got back into it.  The floor had to be scraped to get the last of the glue that was holding down the padding, and the pieces of padding that were stuck to the glue that was holding down the padding.  And the tack strips needed to be pried up from around the room.  And I gotta be honest, I was less than helpful. 

I was good once we got past that point.  We got into a good rhythm in the evening ~ hubby was measuring and marking, daughter and I did the sawing, and then hubby and the boy put them into place.  So I was able to do my part then. 

But in the morning, I just couldn't help.  My knee has been hurting me, so I'm not able to bend it for long periods, so that leaves off crouching and scraping.  And the vertigo I've been experiencing prevents me from excess bending.  So you know what I did instead?  The dishes.  Normally one of the kids would be responsible for them, but since they were helping with the floors, I did their chores for them.  I tidied up the living room, putting away a few of their things.  I emptied the trash and got lunch ready ~ all things that I wouldn't normally have done.  But today it was my way of helping out.

They were on the front lines, you might say.  I was the support team. 

I read a long time ago that the average army is made up mostly of support.  Some number like 80% of the army supports the 20% who fight.  I don't know if it's true, but it sounds true.  I've seen it to be true in other areas of life, too.  So that's what I've been concentrating on.  The kids have each had a turn being forced out of their rooms, and having to sleep on a mattress in their sibling's room.  There is furniture in every room in the house, and in the garage, and it's all made me work even harder at making the house run smoothly.  Everyone needs all the normalcy they can get.

We can't all be on the front lines.  We can't all be doing the "important" or the noticeable work.  Sometimes we are the ones doing the regular stuff, so that something big can be achieved by someone else.  When the floors are all done, I'll know that my kids and my sweetie did way more than I did to accomplish that.  But I'll also know that what I did enabled them to do what they did.

~ "there are workmen with you in abundance...
  all types of skillful men for every kind of work.
   Arise and begin working, and the Lord be with you." ~
1 Chronicles 22:15,16

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