"early in the morning... He prayed"
Mark 1:35
I wrote this a few years ago, when my Awesome and Amazing kids were less self-sufficient than they are now, but I think of it every now and then. It's still so often a struggle for me. Seems like there's always something...
In the morning, first thing, I plan to have early morning Quiet Time with the Lord.
As I start to make myself some tea, and get my Bible and a devotional book, my children wake up.
I decide if I get them breakfast, it will keep them occupied while I have my Quiet Time.
While I'm beating eggs, I realize I may as well have some myself, instead of dirtying more dishes in a little while.
While the pan is heating up, I get clean dishes out of the dishwasher, and figure I may as well start emptying it.
When the pan is ready, I make the eggs for my children and myself.
After I finish eating, I get up to set a good example for my children, and carry my plate to the sink to wash and load, and I see I need to finish emptying the dishwasher.
After the dishwasher is empty, I go to put my breakfast dish in it, and decide I should do the rest of last night's dinner dishes while I'm at it, since I couldn't finish them last night, because the dishwasher was full.
I do some of the dishes, and then I start to wipe off the counter, but realize someone used this towel to dry off the dog, so I take the towel to the laundry.
When I get to the laundry room, I realize it's high time I did some laundry, and that I left a load in the dryer. I reheat those, and put a new load in the washer, and then while I'm out there, I see there are several hanging clothes that are now dry and can be returned to their owners.
While trying to make room in my son's closet for his clean clothes, I find he has too many empty hangers in there, so I set all the clean clothes on his bed, and take the hangers to the laundry room.
While I'm in the laundry room, the phone rings. It's a friend, but I know she's not calling to chat, because she's calling from her cellphone, so this will be a quickie, so I go ahead and answer the phone. We chat for several minutes.
When I get off the phone I feel guilty that she's out and about, running errands, and I'm still in my pajamas, so I go to get dressed.
After I get dressed, I start to make the bed, but decide if I'm going to make this a laundry day, I should do my sheets, so I take them off the bed.
I start to put the sheets in the hamper, and realize I should just empty it, so I go to the laundry room for a basket, and start with the kids' dirty laundry.
While emptying my daughter's hamper, I find the necklace she has been looking for, and take it to her.
She's thrilled to see it, tells me I'm the best, and wants to do a puzzle with me.
After we finish the puzzle, my son comes in and tells me he's hungry, and I see it's time for their snack.
As I leave her room, she dumps out the puzzle to start over again.
I go out to the kitchen, and discover I never washed my breakfast dish...
At the end of the day:
* there are still dirty dishes in the sink
* the laundry has progressed, but doesn't seem any closer to being done
* all the family's clean clothes are on my son's bed
* my bed has no sheets on it
* the puzzle is still all over my daughter's floor
I spent the whole day being Martha and never sat down for Quiet Time.
Maybe the tea was a bad idea...
~ "Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in You.
Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life." ~
Psalm 143:8