Monday, July 11, 2011

Faith is enough

"the obedience that comes from faith"
Romans 1:5

I still remember the first time I came across this verse.  I might have actually gasped out loud.  It felt like such a discovery; like I'd been handed the keys to a locked door.  A door that brings much consternation.  A huge piece of a puzzle had fallen into place.  I had understanding, and with it, relief.

Have you read this verse?  Have you reached out and taken this key?  If not, read on!

Obedience is a tricky word.  I sometimes feel I loathe that word.  It is a struggle to be obedient, and it seems relentless.  He commands my obedience, and indeed He deserves it.  And I want desperately to be obedient, but it's so hard!  I'm too tired; I'm too lazy; I'm too distracted; I can't see the purpose; I just don't want to!  So with any or all of these excuses available to me, how can I obey?

I can't.  I want to, in theory, but in reality, I just can't.

My spirit is willing, but my flesh is oh, so weak...  As Paul says in Romans 7, "what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate, I do."  He further explains my position entirely:  "I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out!"  

Cannot!  So.  That's it then.  It's impossible.  Not "will not", but "cannot".  God has asked too much of us.  The End.

But then, there is this verse.  Romans 1:5.  At the very end of the sentence, see it?  "The obedience that comes from faith."  *Gasp!*   Is that all?  Cuz I have faith!  I have tons of faith!  And the secret to obedience is hidden in my faith.  He gives me my faith, and in that is the ability to obey.   We can see this illustrated in John 5.  A man who had been an invalid for 38 years was told by Jesus, "Get up!  Pick up your mat and walk."  And in His command was the power to obey.  The man had faith in Jesus' words, and that faith enabled him to obey.

He has not asked of me, or of you, the impossible.  No, of course I know He never would.  I grow my faith ~ I grow my ability to obey.  It's so simple.  It's too simple, really.  But then, His wisdom often seems foolish to us.

I can obey.  I have faith that I can.

~ "Walk in obedience
 to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, 
so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days" ~
Deuteronomy 5:33

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