Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thumbs up or thumbs down?

"By their fruits you will know them"
Matthew 7:20

I have a rather unfortunate story to tell you.  But it makes a point, so I hope you're not offended.  And after that I have a nice story to tell you!

I was driving to a friend's house today, and on the way, I made a lane change.  I had my turn indicator on, I looked to make sure there was no one in that lane, and then I moved over.  The only problem was, there was someone else who also wanted to change to that same lane.  He didn't have his turn indicator on, so I had no way of knowing he was planning on changing lanes, and unfortunately for him, I started first, so by the time he was making his move, I was already in the lane he wanted.  So he had to back off, then go around me a minute later.  And here's the thing:  once we'd both changed lanes, and he was in front of me ~ in the lane of his choice ~ which we were now sharing ~ he waved at me.  But, you know, in that unfriendly way in which people wave when you've annoyed or inconvenienced them on the road.  You see what I'm getting at here?

Now, I wasn't really offended, because I was too busy being puzzled.  I certainly hadn't meant to inconvenience him, and it really wasn't that big of an inconvenience.  It took maybe ten seconds out of his day.  And what I had done was perfectly legal, and I had just as much right to that lane as he had.    So I was confused as to why he'd felt it necessary to tell me he hoped I'd have a bad day.  I'm pretty sure that's what that gesture means....

Okay, now here's the happy story.  A few years ago, when my family was on Kauai, my dad was driving us all to dinner.  It was a two-lane road, to a restaurant off the beaten path, and dad had to wait while a car pulled out of a small parking lot.  This parking lot was so close to the road, that cars had to back out right onto the road.  So Dad slowed to a stop, and waited, and then when the car had backed out we got moving again.  The driver of that car waved at my dad, to thank him for letting him back out. You know that "hang loose" gesture that Hawaiians make?  With the thumb and the pinky out?  It was just so easygoing and friendly and lighthearted.  Exactly how we expect Hawaiians to be.  And it made me want to do something nice for someone else. 

Now, I have no idea if either of these men have a relationship with Jesus.  You certainly can be a strong, faithful Christian, and have a bad day.  So I'm not going to make any judgement on that.  But I was reminded today that even with complete strangers, we have a chance to impact them.  With clerks, with fellow drivers, with telemarketers or waiters or door-to-door salesman, we have the choice of saying, "I hope your day is blessed" or "I don't care anything about you and I don't care what happens to you".  

With friends and family, we have the chance to apologize, or to make up for any impulsive crankiness.  But with strangers, we have just once chance.  So be ready to make a difference in someone's life ~ for the better.

~ "A new commandment I give to you,
that you love one another
as I have loved you" ~
John 13:34

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