Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Created like Him ~ and no one else!

"God created mankind in His own image"
Genesis 1:27

My kids and I did something a little different for lunch today.  They competed in an Iron Chef-style competition, and I was the judge.  The secret ingredient?  Oranges.  They each had to make one savory, and one sweet dish containing oranges.

We've done this once before, with the challenge of using peanut butter, and one of the dishes that my Amazing Boy came up with, we still have occasionally.  He called it a fruit taco, and it was peanut butter spread on a tortilla, and then a variety of berries piled on.  Kind of a fancy pb&j, but you eat it like a taco, and using berries instead of jelly gives it such a healthy, juicy wow!

Their dishes were really good.  My Awesome Girl made chicken & pasta with broccoli, and orange zest and juice squeezed over the chicken.  AB made a salad that incorporated orange juice in the dressing.  And perched on top?  He took a slice of orange, coated it in a breading of ~ are you ready? ~ crushed up Frosted Cheerios.  Then he fried it in a little butter.  I know what you're thinking, but can I please just tell you what a fascinating flavor combination that was???  Crunchy and juicy and sweet and a little buttery.

I judge them in three criteria:  taste, originality and presentation.  So two of these, the choice of ingredients, and the plating, require them to use their imaginations.   They both made such beautiful plates ~ her bright green broccoli with the bright orange slices on the side; his bright green lettuce with the red, orange and yellow of heirloom tomatoes, a little orange zest here or there.  They were each so beautiful.

It got me to thinking about the gift of creativity.  This is a gift that God has given to each of us, and yet it manifests itself differently from person to person.  Artist, writer, chef, you name it.  Some are creative in business, others in software design or architecture or problem-solving.

God is our Creator, which means each of us is too, created in the image of The Creator.  I hope you celebrate that.  I hope you recognize the creativity He has given you, and what you do differently than anyone else.   And I hope you take joy in creating.  He did.

~ "gifts according to the generosity of a king" ~
Esther 2:18

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