Friday, March 16, 2012

Another one!

"Here I am, for you called me"
1 Samuel 3:8

Yup ~ another lesson from my dog.  Our sweet, sincere, brown/blue-eyed dog-of-very-little-brain gave me another insight today, into the mind of God.  Well, not really.  She's not that spiritual.  But she did get me thinking about how God, as my Father,  might have to deal with me sometimes. 

The Apple of my Eye was home for lunch.  We just love that he works close enough to home to have lunch with us most days.  The dog loves it, too.  She's just crazy about him....  His lunch was made (a peanut butter and jelly sandwich ~ lovingly made by my Awesome Girl) and waiting for him at the table.  He sat down and took a couple of bites, and our eager little pooch sat on the floor by his feet, desperately hoping he would drop a crumb or a crust.  After a few minutes, my husband realized he needed to check the calendar to confirm some dates for a trip we are planning.   The kids and I were still in the kitchen making our lunches, so Hubby knew if he walked away from his sandwich, with no one there to guard it, it was in danger. 

His solution, as he walked away from the table, was to call the dog to him.  She eagerly followed her master ~ devoted, furry creature that she is.  She stood next to him as he got the information he needed, and she looked up at him expectantly the whole time.  I love that sincerity: "he called me; he must want me for something."  When he was done, he praised her for her attentiveness, and the two of them walked back to the table.   He sat down to finish his sandwich, and she sat down to resume hoping.

This got me to thinking, I wonder if God has even done that to me:  introduced a situation in my life that requires my attention, simply to distract me.  After all, I'm a sometimes overly involved mom and wife and friend.  I wonder if sometimes He gives me a challenge, or an opportunity, or a project, in order to keep me occupied while someone I love is dealing with their own issue.  As if He were saying, "I want you over here, because I don't want you over there."

Just another reminder that He has plans and purposes.  He knows I want to be in His will; I want to be part of His plan for me, and for those around me.  So whatever His reason for having me here, or there, or anywhere, I want to go where He calls.

~ "He said to him, 'Follow Me.' 
   So he arose and followed Him" ~
Matthew 9:9

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