Thursday, March 22, 2012

A safe place

"everyone who was in distress... 
in debt... discontented....
gathered to him"
1 Samuel 22:1

Thinking about David again today.  I've been doing that a lot lately, cuz I'm studying him.  There is just so much to learn from him; both from his mistakes, and from his victories. 

And I was very intrigued by this verse.  David was on the run from King Saul, who wanted to kill him.  So David was hiding in a cave.  His father and brothers heard where he was, and his whole family came to be where he was. 

And so did 400 others.  Everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him.  I don't know if it was because they blamed Saul for their troubles, and so they wanted to be on the opposite "team" from Saul.  What I do know is that there were a few thousand men whose job it was to hunt David down and kill him.  But still those 400 people wanted to be where he was.  Why would they feel safe with a man who was the target of the wrath of the very dangerous king?  It defies logic. 

I think the simple answer is:  they see in David what God sees.  They see his heart for God, and the gentle caring of a shepherd for his sheep.   They see the courage it took to fight Goliath, and the wisdom it took to successfully evade Saul's army.

Christians should be like this.  We should give off a feeling of love and comfort and encouragement to others, that draws them to us.  Our faith in Him should be evident, and attractive.  What a joy He has for us in being a place of warmth and welcome for those who are struggling!

~ "Stay with me; do not fear... 
   with me you shall be safe" ~
1 Samuel 22:23

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