Friday, June 8, 2012

Fixin' what's broke

"your problems, 
and your burdens and your complaints"
Deuteronomy 1:12

Are you a problem-solver?  The first time I ever head the word tenacious, was when someone called me that.  I had to look it up to decide if I was insulted or flattered... {not easily dispelled or discouraged; persistent}

And what I was doing, when I was called tenacious, was solving a problem.  And I realized then that I often have trouble letting go when I'm trying to find what's wrong in a situation.  I sometimes even find myself eager for the challenge. 

Such is the case with Algebra.  The first thing that happens when my Awesome Girl and I sit down to do her schooling, is that I grade her math, and then if she got any wrong, we go over those problems to find out where her misstep was.  Because that's so often what it is with math, isn't it?  One missed negative, one number lost in a long line of operations, and the answer is off by millions.  Well, maybe not millions, but you get my point...

So when I find a mistake in her math, I am often eager to go over it with her, because I'm confident that I'll be able to tell where the mistake was, and help her to not make that mistake again.

But I'm not good at everything in Algebra.  There's a few lessons that still stump me, so then the two of us have to hunker down and go over it together, little by little, until one of us realizes what went wrong in the solving.  Those problems, I am not so eager to tackle.  I just don't have as much confidence. 

And I was thinking the other day, that that never happens to God.  Everything is easy for Him.  He's eager to tackle our problems.  But sometimes we don't ask.  Other times we ask, and He's happy to help, but unfortunately, the process of solving it is not what we'd like it to be.  We just have to trust He's getting us to the solution that's best.

So ask.  And then have faith.  He wrote the book, and He knows the answers. 

~ "bring the difficulties to God" ~
Exodus 18:19

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