Monday, July 29, 2013

These things take time

1 Corinthians 16:13

The Apple of my Eye did not replace the battery in my watch yesterday. 

I'm calling it a successful failure.*

{ * a term used to describe the spacecraft Apollo 13, which returned to earth safely, but failed to land on the moon. }

I left first thing in the morning for a day-long activity, and as I left the house, I realized that the watch I grabbed had a dead battery.  So I set it on his desk where he'd notice it, and asked him if he'd handle it for me. 

Now, I don't wear a watch very often, especially in the summer, so there really is no rush, but neither did I want my watch shoved to a corner of his desk with other "stuff" that needed attention.  Which, um, has happened once or twice.  And when I got home later that day, I saw my watch sitting pretty much where I had set it. 

The reason this stood out to me is because I knew he had run errands while I was gone that day, and one of the places he went was a place where he could have purchased a new battery.

Yet there my watch sat.  Dead. 

So this morning, I was going to give him a hard time about missing the opportunity to fix my watch.  So without saying a word, I picked it up and looked at him and just smiled.  He looked up at me from what he was doing, and his face just fell.  And he said to me sorrowfully, "Man, I was so gonna get that done yesterday!  I had it with me, and I looked, but I couldn't find the right size battery!  And I was so disappointed, because I thought you'd be so impressed!" 

We both kind of laughed about it, since my intention had been to tease him, but how could I, when he had been so sincere about wanting to take care of it for me?

My watch is still dead.  But I'm touched by my sweetie's efforts to take care of me, even when it's something small, and even when he fails. 

Intentions mean a lot.  It's the thought that counts.  I'm thankful that God notices my efforts, no matter the results, and I'm thankful that there are people in my life who love me enough to try for me.  

~ "My flesh and my heart fail;
But God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever" ~
Psalm 73:26

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