Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are you going to finish that?

"my portion and my cup"
Psalm 16:5

I've been thinking a lot lately about the concept of "deserving".   I like watching those cooking competition shows, but I can't believe how often the competitor says, in those interview portions, "I deserve to win this."  I can never understand that.  It sounds like they are entitled to the prize, when really, it's not for them to decide.  Yes, they've cooked and created to the best of their ability, but so have their competitors.  And only the judges are tasting all the food.  Each competitor has only tasted his own.  So the only ones qualified to decide who "deserves" it, are the judges.  Yet it seems almost every episode, a chef with an over-developed sense of his own entitlement is crowing about why he should win.

Why is it that we think we are entitled to things?  Why do we so often feel we have a right to something, just because we desire it?

I think that's why this passage spoke to me this morning.  Everything I have is either given to me by Him; or allowed by Him.   My children, my home, my health, but also my trials, my struggles and my pains.  I have no more, and no less, than what He has deemed right for me ~ to bless me, to grow me, and to bring Him glory.  Looking at someone else's material goods or blessings, and wishing they were mine, makes no more sense than wishing I had someone else's problems and trials.

"Cup" and "portion" also imply sustenance.  He is Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord who Provides, and "your heavenly Father knows that you need these things."  

He knows what I need.  He provides what I need.  He does not provide me with what I do not need.   What more could I ask?

"Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup... 
surely I have a delightful inheritance."
Psalm 16:5, 6