Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Baby steps, but in the right direction

"bodily exercise profits a little"
1 Timothy 4:8

I exercised today. 

I hate exercising, so I don't do it as often as I should.

Really, the only exercise I get is when I run out of money. 

(ba DUM-bum!)

I've been meaning to get back into a routine for a while now.  But I'm not going to tell you how long a while, because you'll judge me. 

Oh, yes you will...

So I'll just leave it to your imagination, which will probably leave me in a more favorable light in your eyes than the truth.  

After the Apple of my Eye left for work, and before my Awesome and Amazing kids got up, I headed to the stationary bike and rode it for several minutes. 

But I'm not going to tell you how many minutes, because you'll judge me. 

Oh, yes you will....

And then I did again later in the day.   So that's something to be proud of. 

But really, the whole thing is something to be proud of.  God is proud of me.  It's something I hate doing, and I'm really not good at.  I'm a reading and writing kind of a girl; not really active.  I never really know what to do, or for how long, or how many reps or how many times a week, or how to warm up, or how to cool down, or what to wear.  So though others would judge me by what they feel is an appropriate standard, God knows what I've accomplished, relative to me.

Now it's about consistency.  Perseverance.  God is happy to see us take even small steps in the right direction, as long as we don't rest on that.  He wants each of us to grow, but at a rate that's right for us.  He knows where we've come from; He knows where we are; and He knows where we are going.

And He's the only one we need to please.

~ "Do not despise these small beginnings,
for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin" ~
Zechariah 4:10

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