Tuesday, May 28, 2013

An audience with the King

"And God listened"
Genesis 30:17

I read an interesting short story a few days ago, in my son's world history book.  It's called "The Audience" and it's a wonderfully imaginative account of Christopher Columbus petitioning Ferdinand and Isabella for the ships and men for his venture.  

Photo credit: lookandlearn.com

But in the room for Columbus' presentation, there were also advisers and other witnesses.  And because of the title of the piece, The Audience, my thoughts were on them as we read it.  I imagined being in the room, hearing the proposition, the questions and the answers. 

The piece ended with Columbus leaving the room; the king and queen having left it at "we'll think about it."  But the very last line was what made me understand why the story had been given the title it had:  "Columbus bowed and walked quickly from the room.  The audience was at an end."

I realized that it wasn't about being a part of the audience, but the honor of Columbus being given an audience with the king and queen.   It was about the privilege of being heard.

Do we realize the honor of being heard by our God?  Mighty Creator... King of kings and Lord of lords... the Alpha and the Omega...

We focus so much on the answer sometimes ~ or lack thereof ~ that we forget to be astounded by the fact that we are welcome ~ encouraged, even ~ to communicate with Him, whenever and as often as we want.

I forget, it's not about my needs, or my requests, or even my praise to Him.  It's about simply being heard.

~ "Blessed be God,
which hath not turned away my prayer" ~
Psalm 66:20

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