Sunday, April 22, 2012

Being loved

"be friendly"
Proverbs 18:24

My nephew was in town this week.  My sister and her family came down to spend their spring break with us.

My nephew is a sweet, smart, sincere 7-year-old who adores my kids ~ 5 and 8 years older ~ especially my son.  My nephew is not the copying type, so he's not one of these kids who wants to imitate older kids.  He likes to do his own things most of the time.  But he wants to share it with my Amazing Boy ~ toys, video games, movies. etc.

And my boy loves him right back.  Never exasperated or bored by hanging out with a cousin almost 5 years younger.  Just patient, engaged, interested in what his cousin has to say.

And I'm so proud of him.

It's not always easy to be important to someone.  It can be a burden, or it can elevate our importance in our own eyes, which can make unbearable to others around us.

You are very important to someone.  Might be your spouse or a family member.  Or could be that annoying acquaintance at church or in your neighborhood.  The one you hope you won't run into when you're in a hurry... The one who only wants to talk about their problems at home, or how much they hate their boss.  That person.

Someone in your life can't wait to see you.  Can't wait to share the joys and sorrows in their life.

So how do you handle it?  Is it your joy to edify, love, counsel or encourage?  If not, why not?  Cuz I'm betting there's someone in your life who does that for you.

And if by some chance there isn't, you should pray for someone who will bless you that way.

And then find someone to bless. 

~ "A man who has friends 
 must himself be friendly,
but there is a friend 
who sticks closer than a brother" ~
Proverbs 18:24

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