Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good. And Better.

"even the death on the cross"
Philippians 2:8

I'm thinking about Jesus today.  Which is appropriate, because I'm writing this on Good Friday. 

When I was young, I couldn't understand why this day was called "good".  Jesus dying on the cross was not good.  It was sad, and unfair, and mean.  He was abandoned and abused.  And killed. 

And yes, I understood that the phrase meant it was good for me.  And you.  That His death on the cross was for our sins, and our salvation. 

But that, to me, was the Easter Sunday conversation, not the Good Friday conversation.  Easter Sunday is the beauty of new life.  It is light and color and joy.   Good Friday is blood and nails and thorns and death. 

But the fact is, you can't have one without the other.  There's no rainbow without rain.  No birth without labor.  His resurrection from the dead could not have happened if He had not died. 

His death and resurrection 
are who He is....
His death on the cross ~ His love;
His resurrection from the dead ~ His power. 

~ "He humbled Himself and became obedient 
to the point of death, 
even the death on the cross" ~
Philippians 2:8

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