Monday, April 16, 2012

Get moving!

"every living creature that moves"
Leviticus 11:46

We stayed at my in-laws' house when we were in Texas last week.  They have a beautiful new home in a beautiful new neighborhood.  So new, in fact, that the GPS navigation system in their car thinks they live in the wilderness.  The car on the little navigation screen seems to go right off the road and into the bushes.  And since their house is on the edge of their community, their backyard overlooks all those beautiful wild bushes and trees.

That wonderful view extends as far as the eye can see ~ and my eye just loved what I was seeing.  I stood there one morning, drinking my tea, and I just couldn't tear my eyes away.  And the thing that I found so compelling?


The bushes and trees and grasses were waving in the breeze, there were birds flying and butterflies fluttering, and even the occasional buzzing insect zooming by.  I somehow felt afraid that if I looked away, I might miss something.  I wanted to see what the next bird or butterfly might be, and I wanted to see nature doing all the neat things it does.

I somehow think that movement pleases God.  Not movement just for the sake of movement, but with a purpose.  Accomplishment.  Obedience.  Being.

To be sure, there are those who are too active.  They are about their own busyness, instead of the Father's business.  {See Luke 2:49}

But there are also those who are not active enough.  Maybe not doing enough to share His love with others somehow.  Perhaps not doing what they are meant to be doing.

There's a time to be still and know that He is God.  But there's also a time for zooming, flying and fluttering!

~ "O Lord, how manifold are Your works!
In wisdom You have made them all.
The earth is full of Your possessions...
in which are innumerable teeming things,
living things both small and great" ~
Psalm 104:24-25

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